
Common buttons prompt most actions in a UI

import { Button, ButtonParts } from '@cerberus/react'


With Icon

To display an icon, you can use the ButtonParts.Icon component.


To display a loading state, use the ButtonParts.Icon and set the pending prop to true. This will show a spinner in place of the icon.


The Button component comes in two sizes: sm, md. You can set the size by using the size prop.

As Child

The Button component can be used as a child component. This is useful when you want to use the button styles on a different element.


You can utilize the primitive components to customize the button.

ButtonThe context provider for the Button parts
ButtonIconThe icon/spinner of the button



The Button component is an abstraction of the primitives and accepts the following props:

paletteactionThe color palette (any of the Cerberus palettes) of the button.
usagefilledThe style treatment of the button.
shapesharpThe shape of the button.
pendingfalseThe loading state of the button. When a button has an Icon it will replace it with a spinner. When not, is shows a disabled state.
asChildRender the Button as the child component.


The ButtonParts API is an Object containing the full family of components.

RootThe Button component which is the Provider for the family.
IconThe ButtonIcon component which dynamically replaces an icon with a Spinner when the state is pending.