
Checkboxes let users select one or more items from a list, or turn an item on or off

import { Checkbox, CheckboxGroup, CheckboxParts } from '@cerberus/react'


The Checkbox component is a controlled component that can be used to select one or more options from a set. It can be used in a group with other checkboxes to allow for multiple selections.

Indeterminate State

The Checkbox component supports the indeterminate state, which is useful for indicating that a group of checkboxes is in a mixed state. To enable this state, set the checked prop to indeterminate.


The Checkbox component supports different sizes. You can set the size prop to sm, or md.


You can utilize the primitive components to customize the checkbox.

CheckboxRootThe context provider for the Checkbox parts
CheckboxLabelThe label of the checkbox
CheckboxControlThe input of the checkbox
CheckboxIndicatorThe indicator of the checkbox state
CheckboxGroupThe group container for multiple checkboxes
CheckboxHiddenInputThe native input for the checkbox



The Checkbox component is an abstraction of the primitives and accepts the following props:

sizesmThis size of the Checkbox.

The Checkbox component also accepts all the props of the CheckboxRoot primitive props


The CheckboxParts API is an Object containing the full family of components.

RootThe CheckboxRoot component which is the Provider for the family.
LabelThe CheckboxLabel component which displays the label and "required" notice.
ControlThe CheckboxControl component which is the visual field.
IndicatorThe CheckboxIndicator component which displays based on the checked state.
GroupThe CheckboxGroup component which creates a controls the spacing of a group.
HiddenInputThe CheckboxHiddenInput component which displays the native input.