File Uploader

File uploaders allow users to upload files to a server

import { FileUploader, FileStatus, processStatus } from '@cerberus/react'

Uploading Files

To allow users to upload files, use the FileUploader component.

Preview Playground

import { FileUploader, type FileUploaderProps } from '@cerberus/react' export function MyFileUploader(props: FileUploaderProps) { return ( <FileUploader disabled={false} accept=".txt" heading=Upload your files name="add_uuid" /> ) }

File Status

If you choose to process the file, you can use the FileStatus component to display the status of the job.

Waiting to upload

Preview Playground

'use client' import { FileStatus, processStatus, type FileStatusProps, } from '@cerberus/react' import { useCallback, type MouseEvent } from 'react' export function MyFileStatus(props: FileStatusProps) { const handleClick = useCallback(( status: FileStatusActions, e: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement> ) => { switch (status) { case processStatus.TODO: console.log('TODO', e, 'call props.onClick') break case processStatus.PROCESSING: console.log('PROCESSING', e, 'call props.onClick') break case processStatus.DONE: console.log('DONE', e, 'call props.onClick') break case processStatus.ERROR: console.log('ERROR', e, 'call props.onClick') break default: throw new Error('Unknown status passed into handleClick') } }, []) return ( <FileStatus id={} file={props.file} now={} onClick={handleClick} status="todo" /> ) }


To customize the FileUploader or FileStatus, we recommend extending the fileUploader or the fileStatus slot recipe in your panda config.



export interface FileUploaderProps
extends InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement> {
heading?: string
name: string
disabled?: boolean
define function FileUploader(props: FileUploaderProps): ReactNode


export type FileStatusKey = (typeof processStatus)[keyof typeof processStatus]
export type FileStatusActions = 'cancel' | 'retry' | 'delete'
export interface FileBaseStatusProps
extends Omit<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, 'onClick'> {
id: string
file: string
now: number
status: processStatus
onClick: (status: FileStatusActions, e: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => void
export type FileStatusProps = FileBaseStatusProps & FileStatusVariantProps
define function FileStatus(props: FileStatusProps): ReactNode


The FileUploader component accepts the following props:

headingThe heading for the file uploader
nameThe unique name of the file uploader
disabledfalseWhether the file uploader is disabled

The FileStatus component accepts the following props:

idA unique identifier for the ProgressBar.
fileThe name of the file being processed
nowThe current progress of the file upload
status'todo'The status of the file upload