Icon Button

Icon buttons help people take minor actions with one tap

import { IconButton } from '@cerberus/react'


The IconButton API is similar to the Button, but with the addition of an ariaLabel prop.

Preview Playground

import { IconButton, type IconButtonProps } from '@cerberus/react' type MyIconButtonProps = IconButtonProps export function MyButton(props: MyIconButtonProps) { return ( <IconButton ariaLabel="Like something" disabled={false} palette="action" size="sm" usage="filled" > <ThumbsUp /> </IconButton> ) }


You can customize the button by utilizing the cx function.


export interface IconButtonProps extends ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> {
ariaLabel: string
palette?: 'action' | 'secondaryAction' | 'danger'
size?: 'sm' | 'lg'
usage?: 'filled' | 'ghost' | 'outlined'
asChild?: boolean
define function IconButton(props: IconButtonProps): ReactNode


The IconButton component accepts the following props:

ariaLabel"Icon Button"The accessible label for the button.
paletteactionThe color palette of the button.
usageghostThe style treatment of the button.
sizelgThe size of the button.
asChildRender the Button as the child component.