Progress Indicators

Progress indicators show the status of a process in real time.

import { ProgressBar, CircularProgress } from '@cerberus/react'


Preview Playground

import { ProgressBar, type ProgressBarProps } from '@cerberus/react' export function MyProgressBar(props: ProgressBarProps) { return ( <ProgressBar id="UUID" indeterminate={false} label="A description of what the progress bar represents" now={75} size="sm" usage="rounded" /> ) }

Circular Progress

Course completion30% Done30%Done

Preview Playground

import { CircularProgress, type CircularProgressProps } from '@cerberus/react' export function MyCircularProgress(props: CircularProgressProps) { return ( <CircularProgress bgStyle="filled" label="Description of what the progress bar represents" id="UUID" syntax="Done" now={30} title="Course completion" /> ) }


To customize the ProgressBar we recommend extending the slot recipe provided by the @cerberus-design/panda-preset package.



export interface ProgressBarBaseProps extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {
id: string
label: string
size?: 'sm' | 'md'
usage?: 'block' | 'rounded'
now: number
type IndeterminateProgressBarProps = Omit<ProgressBarProps, 'now'> & {
indeterminate: true
type ProgressBarProps = ProgressBarBaseProps & IndeterminateProgressBarProps
define function ProgressBar(props: ProgressBarProps): ReactNode
idThe id of the CircularProgress.
labelA description of what the progress bar is for.
sizemdThe size of the progress bar.
usageroundedThe style of the progress bar.
nowThe current progress value.
indeterminatefalseIf the progress bar is in an indeterminate state.


export interface CircularProgressProps extends SVGProps<SVGSVGElement> {
id: string
label: string
now: number
title: string
syntax?: string
bgStyle?: 'filled' | 'transparent'
define function CircularProgress(props: CircularProgressProps): ReactNode
idThe id of the CircularProgress.
label``A description of what the progress bar is for.
nowThe current progress value.
titleThe title of the CircularProgress for a11y.
syntaxDoneWhat is shown below the now value.
bgStylefilledThe fill style of the center circle used for the bg.